Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day 2

How is it that we get away from prayer and alone time, meditation time, reflection time? Life wants to creep in and steal bits of our attention until we don't even realize that we have lost a very important part of what keeps us grounded, full of faith and trusting that God's got the 411 on all the moving parts.

I spend time alone, thinking, and reflecting often, but it's usually when I am doing something else, especially driving.

The rosary stops me from distraction. I am working toward full immersion of the meaning of every bead, walking with Jesus and his Mother through the mysteries of both of Their lives.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day One, Again

I have returned.

I got to day 52 on the last novena and was traveling cross country to a new assignment for work when I got up one morning planning to say the rosary during sunrise. My brother, who was traveling with me, asked me to look up something on my laptop and before I know it, I had forgotten.

I was devastated the next day when I realized that I had forgotten to saw the rosary...

Today is a new day. A new opportunity to start over.

Day One.

Joyful Mysteries.